/* ShareThis Loader Version 1.23 11/04/2008 ShareThis.com */ if (!SHARETHIS) { function SHARETHIS_merge(){ var mix = {}; for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){ var object = arguments[i]; if (typeof(object) != 'object') continue; for (var key in object){ var op = object[key], mp = mix[key]; mix[key] = (mp && typeof(op) == 'object' && typeof(mp) == 'object') ? SHARETHIS_merge(mp, op) : SHARETHIS_unlink(op); } } return mix; } function SHARETHIS_unlink(object){ var SHARETHIS_unlinked; switch (typeof(object)){ case 'object': SHARETHIS_unlinked = {}; for (var p in object) SHARETHIS_unlinked[p] = SHARETHIS_unlink(object[p]); break; case 'hash': SHARETHIS_unlinked = SHARETHIS_unlink(object.getClean()); break; case 'array': SHARETHIS_unlinked = []; for (var i = 0, l = object.length; i < l; i++) SHARETHIS_unlinked[i] = SHARETHIS_unlink(object[i]); break; default: return object; } return SHARETHIS_unlinked; } function Sharelet(options){ this.node=null; this.button=null; this.properties={ type: '', title: document.title, summary: '', content: '', url: document.URL, icon: '', category: '', updated: document.lastModified, published: '', author: '' } this.options= { button: true, buttonText: 'ShareThis' } this.initialize=function(options){ this.options = SHARETHIS_merge(this.options, options); } this.initialize(options); this.bind= function(node){ if (this.node !== null && this.node !== node) { try {this.node.removeChild(this.button)} catch(err){ } } if (this.options.button == true) { try{node.appendChild(this.button)} catch(err){ } } this.node = node; } } function ShareThisWidget(){ this.visible= 0; this.wrapper= null; this.iframe=null; this.close=null; this.sharelet=null; this.left=0; this.top=0; this.hiddenEmbeds=false; this.loaderHTML= '
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'#000' : '#fff'; } var css = 'http://w.sharethis.com/widget/' + this.version + '/sharethis.css'; this.load('link', { href : (this.options.css ? this.options.css : css), rel : 'stylesheet', type : 'text/css' }); if (typeof(window.addEventListener) != 'undefined') { window.addEventListener("load", this.onReady, false); } else if (typeof(document.addEventListener) != 'undefined') { document.addEventListener("load", this.onReady, false); } else if (typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined') { window.attachEvent("onload", this.onReady); } } this.initialize(options); this.selection=function(){ if (window.getSelection) { this.page.properties.selection = window.getSelection(); } else if (document.getSelection) { this.page.properties.selection = document.getSelection(); } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { this.page.properties.selection = document.selection.createRange().text; } } this.defer=function(f) { if (this.ready) { f.apply(document, [SHARETHIS]); } else { this.readyList.push( function() { return f.apply(this, [SHARETHIS]) } ); //this.readyList.push(f); } } this.pageSize=function() { var pScroll = [0,0]; if (typeof(window.pageYOffset) == 'number') { //Netscape compliant pScroll = [window.pageXOffset, window.pageYOffset]; } else if (document.body && (document.body.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollTop)) { //DOM compliant pScroll = [document.body.scrollLeft, document.body.scrollTop]; } else if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollTop)) { //IE6 standards compliant mode pScroll = [document.documentElement.scrollLeft, document.documentElement.scrollTop]; } return pScroll; } this.addEntry=function(properties, options){ var options = options || {}; try{properties.url=properties.url.toString();} catch(err){ //noop } if (typeof(options.button) == "undefined") { options.button = true; } if (typeof(options.bind) == "undefined") { options.bind = true; } var s=new Sharelet(SHARETHIS_merge(this.options, options)); s.properties = SHARETHIS_merge(s.properties, properties); s.idx = this.sharelets.push(s) - 1; s.sharethis = this; s.widget = this.widget; if(s.properties.url!==this.lastUrl){ this.lastUrl=s.properties.url; } else{ this.logFlag=false; } s.popup = function(e){ if (s.options.onclick) { var res = s.options.onclick.apply(document, [s]); if (res == false) { return false; } } SHARETHIS.selection(); var query_str=[]; for (var j in SHARETHIS.meta) { var tmp="meta_"+j+"="+encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(SHARETHIS.meta[j])); if(SHARETHIS.meta[j]!==""){ query_str.push(tmp); } } for (var j in SHARETHIS.page.properties) { var tmp="page_"+j+"="+encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(SHARETHIS.page.properties[j])); if( (j==="url" || j==="title" || j==="summary") ){ if(SHARETHIS.page.properties[j]!==""){ query_str.push(tmp); } } } var olist=[s]; for (var i=0; i < olist.length; i++) { obj = olist[i]; for (var j in obj.properties) { var tmp=j+"[]="+encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(obj.properties[j])); if(obj.properties[j]!==""){ query_str.push(tmp); } } for (var j in obj.options) { var tmp="opts_"+j+"="+encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(obj.options[j])); if(obj.options[j]!==""){ query_str.push(tmp); } } } for (var j in SHARETHIS.query) { var tmp="query_"+j+"="+encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(SHARETHIS.query[j])); /*if(j==="tabs" || j==="services" || j==="ireg" || j==="reg" || j==){ query_str.push(tmp)//lightbox only uses: tabs, services, ireg, reg but sending everything }*/ query_str.push(tmp)//lightbox only uses: tabs, services, ireg, reg but sending everything } var qry_str=query_str.join('&'); // qry_str=qry_str.replace(/%3B/,''); // console.log(qry_str); var p = window.open("http://sharethis.com/share/lightbox.php?"+qry_str, "stframe","status=1,toolbar=0,width=354,height=437"); s.widget.popup = p; return false; } s.attachButton = function(a){ a.onclick = (Boolean(s.options.popup) == true ? s.popup : s.onClick); } s.onClick = function(e){ if (s.options.onclick) { var res = s.options.onclick.apply(document, [s]); if (res == false) { return false; } } findPos = function(obj) { var obj = obj || {}; if (obj.parentNode && obj.parentNode.className.indexOf('stbutton') != -1) { obj = obj.parentNode; } var pScroll = SHARETHIS.pageSize(); var pos = pScroll; var widgetWidth = 354; if (obj.offsetParent) { odims = {offsetLeft:obj.offsetLeft, scrollWidth:obj.scrollWidth}; pos = [obj.offsetLeft+obj.scrollWidth,obj.offsetTop+obj.scrollHeight]; while (obj = obj.offsetParent) { pos[0] += obj.offsetLeft; pos[1] += obj.offsetTop; } if (s.options.offsetLeft) { pos[0] += parseInt(s.options.offsetLeft); } if (s.options.offsetTop) { pos[1] += parseInt(s.options.offsetTop); } if (!s.options.offsetLeft && !s.options.offsetTop) { pos[0] -= odims.scrollWidth; if (pos[0] + widgetWidth > document.body.scrollWidth) { pos[0] -= widgetWidth - odims.scrollWidth; } } } return pos; } if (!e) var e = window.event; var el = e.target || e.srcElement; var coords = findPos(el); s.widget.left = coords[0]; s.widget.top = coords[1]; if (s.widget.visible) { if (s == s.widget.sharelet) { s.widget.hide(s.options); } else { s.widget.loading(); s.share(); } } else { if (s == s.widget.sharelet) { s.widget.show(s.options); } else { s.widget.show(s.options); s.widget.loading(); s.share(); } } return false; } s.share = function(){ return s.sharethis.share(s); } if (typeof(s.options.button) == "undefined" || Boolean(s.options.button) != false) { var a = document.createElement("a"); a.className = 'stbutton stico_' + (s.options.style ? s.options.style : (SHARETHIS.options.style ? SHARETHIS.options.style : 'default')); a.title = "ShareThis via email, AIM, social bookmarking and networking sites, etc."; a.href = "#"; a.onclick = (Boolean(s.options.popup) == true ? s.popup : s.onClick); var t = document.createElement("span"); t.className = 'stbuttontext'; t.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s.options.buttonText)); a.appendChild(t); s.button = a; if (typeof(s.options.bind) == "undefined" || Boolean(s.options.bind) != false) { var id = 'sharethis_' + s.idx; document.write(''); var x = document.getElementById(id); if (x) { x.appendChild(a); } } } if(this.logFlag){this.defer(function(){SHARETHIS.log('view', s)});} return s; } this.share=function(sharelet){ this.selection(); this.widget.sharelet = sharelet; this.widget.show(sharelet.options); var f = SHARETHIS.form([sharelet]); document.body.appendChild(f); f.submit(); } this.form=function(olist) { field = function(k, v, brackets) { var f = document.createElement("input"); f.type = "hidden"; f.name = (brackets == true ? k + "[]" : k); f.value = v; return f; } normalize = function(s){ if (s == null) { return ''; } return encodeURIComponent(s); } var f = document.createElement("form"); //f.className = "stform"; f.method = "post"; f.action = "http://sharethis.com/share/lightbox.php"; f.target = "stframe"; for (var j in this.meta) { f.appendChild(field("meta_" + j, normalize(this.meta[j]))); } for (var j in this.page.properties) { f.appendChild(field("page_" + j, normalize(this.page.properties[j]))); } for (var j in this.query) { f.appendChild(field("query_" + j, normalize(this.query[j]))); } for (var i=0; i < olist.length; i++) { obj = olist[i]; for (var j in obj.properties) { f.appendChild(field(j, normalize(obj.properties[j]), true)); } for (var j in obj.options) { f.appendChild(field("opts_"+j, normalize(obj.options[j]), false)); } } return f; } this.log=function(event, obj) { var url = "http://r.sharethis.com/log?event=" + event + "&publisher=" + encodeURIComponent(SHARETHIS.meta.publisher) + "&hostname=" + encodeURIComponent(SHARETHIS.meta.hostname) + "&location=" + encodeURIComponent(SHARETHIS.meta.location) + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(obj.properties.url) + "&ts" + (new Date()).getTime() + "." + SHARETHIS.counter++; var logger = new Image(1,1); logger.src = url; logger.onload = function(){return;} } } var _query = []; _query.tabs = 'web,email'; _query.charset = 'utf-8'; _query.style = 'default'; _query.publisher = 'de2738ba-9e39-4e1c-8350-1baf29f86295'; var SHARETHIS=new ShareThis(_query); SHARETHIS.log('pview', SHARETHIS.page); SHARETHIS.query = _query; var st = SHARETHIS; } // end if !SHARETHIS // Don't run if called from HEAD, or if toolbar has been run var _slist = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var _s = _slist[_slist.length - 1]; if (_s && _s.parentNode.tagName != "HEAD" && typeof(_sttoolbar) == "undefined") { var obj = SHARETHIS.addEntry(null,SHARETHIS_merge(_query,{bind:false})); var id = 'sharethis_' + obj.idx; document.write(''); var x = document.getElementById(id); obj.bind(x); }